
The Australian Canine Snakebite Survey 14 April 2022


Have you ever treated a dog with snake envenomation?

Here is your chance to contribute to our knowledge on this interesting topic!

It only takes 5-15 minutes.

The University of Sydney is conducting an anonymous survey designed to investigate the current practices in the diagnosis and treatment of canine snakebite patients across Australia, with a focus on the number of vials of antivenom being used, the decision-making surrounding this and any adverse events. It is open to any veterinarian in Australia who has been involved with snake envenomation in dogs.

You may open the...

Survey: Seeking Australian veterinarians for feline lower urinary tract signs (FLUTS) research 11 April 2022


We are conducting a research study to investigate the diagnosis and treatment of cats presenting with lower urinary tract signs. The purpose of this study is to determine which diagnostic and treatment techniques Australian veterinarians use most commonly when a cat presents with lower urinary tract signs. Taking part in this study is voluntary, and responses are completely anonymous. We are seeking Australian veterinarians who have seen a case of feline lower urinary tract signs (FLUTS) in the last 12 months to make an important contribution to our study via completion of a brief online survey. To access the survey please...

Webinar: Lumpy skin disease 11 April 1.00 - 2.30 pm 31 March 2022

The nineth webinar in the Australian Biosecurity Series: Lumpy skin disease – what you need to know about this emerging biosecurity threat is on Monday 11 April at 1pm-2.30pm (AEST)

In this exciting webinar you’ll hear from animal health specialists on-ground during LSD outbreaks overseas, vaccine researchers, and from federal and state CVOs, who will outline what government and partner agencies are doing to protect our borders.

Please register here: ...

Survey: Enhancing passive disease surveillance in livestock 31 March 2022

The survey is aimed at government district veterinarians (DVs) and private veterinary practitioners (PVPs) who see and treat livestock – whether they’re production animals or livestock kept as pets. Outcomes of the survey will help to inform the development of a framework to support PVPs and DVs to increase awareness of significant animal diseases, exclusion sampling and testing of cases with clinical syndromes consistent with priority emergency animal diseases for Australia.

More information about the Enhancing passive disease surveillance in...

JEV Pork Industry Information Session 22 March 2022

NSW DPI together with NSW Health, NSW Farmers and Australian Pork Limited will be hosting a joint webinar for pig owners, producers and associated industry partners on Japanese encephalitis and its management in NSW.

Date: Thursday 24 March

Time: 4.45pm to 5.45pm AEDST

Register Here


An expert panel from NSW Health, the NSW Chief Veterinary Officer and industry representative...

Cultural competence guide for vets 18 March 2022


A new generation of Australian veterinarians will be trained in diversity and inclusivity, thanks to a world-first cultural competence guide for the profession developed by University of Sydney experts.

Read more here.

Read the advanced access article Cultural Competence is Everyone's Business here. 



Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) detected in NSW piggeries 17 March 2022

16 March 2022

Dear Stakeholder,

You may be aware there have been detections of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) in piggeries across NSW in areas reporting high numbers of mosquitos due to current weather conditions.

NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) has initiated an Incident Management Team to lead an emergency response, in conjunction with other states and territories, and is working closely with NSW Health to minimise...

Review of the AVBC Accreditation Standards 04 March 2022


The mission of the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC) is to ensure the quality of the veterinary profession in Australia and New Zealand and to ensure these qualifications are recognised internationally.

One of its core functions is to assure and promote educational standards and, in 2022, the AVBC is undertaking a major review of accreditation standards for entry-level veterinary programs. During this early stage of the review, the AVBC is inviting stakeholders of veterinary services and veterinary education, to take part in...

Survey: Companion animal euthanasia practices of veterinarians in Australia 01 March 2022


Euthanasia of companion animals is performed in both emergency and non-emergency circumstances by veterinarians in Australia.

We are seeking to document the methods of euthanasia utilised by Australian veterinarians.

This online survey is completely anonymous, and we estimate it will take no longer than 10 minutes.

The survey is open to veterinarians registered in an Australian State or Territory. All participants must be over 18 years of age.

You can choose to withdraw from the study at any time until you press the SUBMIT button at the end of the survey.

For further information...

Mental Health Survey: Burnout 01 March 2022


Calling out to all small animal vets working in either general practice or emergency centres in metropolitan areas* of Australia to participate in a mental health survey on burnout:

This survey is hosted by a research group from the University of Sydney and they’re keen to find out:

  1. The prevalence of burnout among Australian general practice and emergency veterinarians
  2. What workplace factors or practices contribute the most to burnout

