Mental Health Survey: Burnout


Calling out to all small animal vets working in either general practice or emergency centres in metropolitan areas* of Australia to participate in a mental health survey on burnout:

This survey is hosted by a research group from the University of Sydney and they’re keen to find out:

  1. The prevalence of burnout among Australian general practice and emergency veterinarians
  2. What workplace factors or practices contribute the most to burnout

The survey hopes to contribute to the solution of building a sustainable profession by promoting tangible, evidence-based workplace changes.

We want everyone to be heard. So please, if you have a free 10 minutes, consider filling out this survey:

We also encourage you to share this survey with your peers.

If you have any questions pertaining to this survey, please feel free to contact:

Dr. Emily Li (


* Survey participation is restricted to vets practising in a metropolitan area to limit confounding demographic variabilities. Definition of a metropolitan area according to the Rural, Remote and Metropolitan Areas Classification (RRMA) 1991 is an urban centre with a population of 100 000 or more. If you are unsure, you can check your RRMA classification by searching your suburb on:






This news article was published on 24 August 2021.