2018 June - Surveillance systems survey



Dear Veterinary Colleagues

We would greatly appreciate your time in completing this survey.

The work aims to examine the contribution of the veterinary profe​ssion to surveillance systems and to estimate the value this provides in upholding Australia’s export trade. For this study we are seeking the participation of people who have completed a degree in veterinary science and live in Australia, including people who do not have current veterinary registration.

The survey will take up to 30 minutes of your time (so please settle in with a cup of tea!) Your effort is much appreciated!

Further for those completing the survey, you will have the opportunity to go into the draw to win an iPad.

Thankyou for supporting this work – the survey can be found here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VetSurveillance

Kind regards

Emma Davis
Emma Kathleen Davis (nee' Haslam) 
PhD Candidate in Livestock Biosecurity and Disease Surveillance
Graham Centre for Agricultural Innovation
Charles Sturt University, School of Animal and Veterinary Science
Mob: 0411 249 729
Email: edavis@csu.edu.au