DPI:CVO Bulletin –Samples needed from Brucella suis positive dogs

The DPI is developing a Polymerase Chain Reaction Test (PCR) for improved Brucella diagnosis and is requesting that private veterinarians collect samples for validation of the test.

The DPI will cover the cost of transport and testing of samples at the SVDL.

More information:
Please read the Bio Security Bulletin
Contact VO Orange on (02) 6391 3752 or (02) 6391 3717
Phone the Customer Service Unit of SVDL at EMAI on (02) 46406325 or 1800 675 623
Brucellosis (Brucella suis) in dogs webpage


This Bulletin is issued on behalf of  Ian Roth - the Chief Veterinary Officer in NSW.

Please address any queries you have regarding the information in the linked bulletin to:
Kelli Johnston
| Veterinary Officer | Biosecurity NSW
Department of Primary Industries |161 Kite Street | Orange NSW 2800| Locked Bag 21 | Orange NSW 2800

T: 02 6391 3752 | F: 02 6361 9976 |
E: kelli.johnston@dpi.nsw.gov.au
W: www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/biosecurity

This news article was published on 09 September 2019.