
VPB: NRVR in South Australia 06 January 2015

National Recognition of Veterinary Registration (NRVR)

The Veterinary Surgeons Board of South Australia is pleased to announce as of 1 January 2015, South Australia now has national recognition of veterinary registration (NRVR).

NOTE: ACT, Northern Territory and Western Australia are the remaining territories and state which do not have NRVR.

This means that veterinarians, who currently hold primary registration in another Australian State or...

ARB: Amendments to racing rules 05 January 2015

The Australian Racing Board (ARB) has just announced a large number of amendments to the Australian Rules of Racing.  The more pertinent rules for EVA Members are the introduction of a cobalt threshold (effective 1 January), the change to “being a party to attempting to stomach tube a horse within one clear day of racing” (effective 1 February), the introduction of some discretion for stewards where an elevated testorone level in geldings and fillies...

DPI:Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) alerts 28 November 2014

Do you know where to find national animal disease alerts? The Australian Department of Agriculture regularly releases Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) alerts and bulletins for private practitioners. These alerts can be found at:

It is important that veterinarians are familiar with the bulletins so they are aware of what diseases could impact their work.


You may be looking at the first case and you do...

AVA:Annual Workforce Survey 05 November 2014

Please note that the Australian Veterinary Association 2014 Annual Workforce Survey is still available for you to complete

2014 survey link

The purpose of the annual survey is to examine the current profile of the veterinary profession and anticipate future trends and changes. The information collected will help the profession, government, veterinary boards and others to understand how the provision of veterinary services may be affected by various factors, including...

DPI:CVO Bulletin - Hendra virus Work Health and Safety Responsibilities 05 November 2014

Please read the information regarding Hendra virus Work Health and Safety Responsibilities which is issued on behalf of Ian Roth - the Chief Veterinary Officer in NSW.

Please address any queries you have regarding the above information to:

Sarah Britton | Veterinary...

Racing NSW: Negotiations 05 November 2014

The Board and Racing NSW continue to negotiate, with the assistance of representatives of the State government, in order to reach an alternative to the licensing regime proposed by RNSW. We have been advised by Racing NSW that the commencement of Local Rule 82C and licensing has been deferred indefinitely

VPB:Notice of Annual General Meeting 05 November 2014

The Annual General Meeting of the veterinary profession in New South Wales will be held at the Duntryleague Country Club, Woodward St Orange, from 7:30 pm Tuesday 18 November 2014.

Meeting Agenda

VPB:Hospital and other inspections 05 November 2014

In January 2014 the Hospital Inspector, Mr Glenn Lynch, completed the first phase of the Board's hospital inspection program. This involved inspections of over 630 licensed premises in NSW. Glenn has now commenced the next phase of the Board's inspection program which involves inspections of unlicensed premises. So, if you offer a mobile, on-site or house call veterinary service that is not based from a licensed hospital you can expect to receive a call from Glenn in the coming months. 
As per our hospital or licensed premises inspection program, these visits have an educational focus and the purpose is to ensure both...
