OLG: Discontinuation of Companion Animals Paper Forms


The process to move Companion Animal Forms to an online system has been in place for a number of years, with downloadable forms available from the NSW Pet Registry website.


From 27 September 2023 paper forms will no longer be available to order and will only be available online. The forms are:

  • Permanent Identification P1A
  • Lifetime Registration R2
  • Change of Owner/Details C3A
  • Change of Owner by Shelter/Animal C3B
  • Verification of Existing Microchip M1


There is limited paper stock that can be ordered from FujiFilm up until 28 September 2023, by using the existing process of completing an order form and emailing to bookshop.qv@fujifilm.com.


For your information, during the staged implementation of the new Pet Registry, reporting via downloadable forms will be replaced with online reporting functions.


Key points

  • Companion Animal Forms in paper format are being discontinued
  • There is limited stock available to order from FujiFilm until 28 September 2023
  • Online forms are available at www.petregistry.nsw.gov.au
  • Breeder Assessment Statement booklets will be available from OLG


OLG would appreciate your support in advising your members of this change.


For further information contact the Program Delivery team, 1300 134 460 or email pets@olg.nsw.gov.au.


Thank you for the ongoing support of responsible pet ownership.




This news article was published on 06 December 2022.