

Read the latest news from the Board, NSW DPI, NSW Health, other government agencies, other boards, the AVBC and the AVA.


Read issues of the Board’s publication released in May and December each year.

Boardtalk inserts

Updates and guides on veterinary topics for veterinarians.

Annual reports

View Annual Reports on the activities of the Board including statistics about the veterinary profession in NSW.


The Board has created a number of policies in areas such as registration, licensing and complaint investigation.


Links to all the forms available from this website.


The Board has created a number of guidelines in areas such as registration and licensing.

Continuing Professional Development

Information, guides and resources regarding CPD for veterinarians.


Links to various pieces of legislation affecting the practise of veterinary science in NSW.

Useful links

Links to other boards, government agencies and other websites for veterinarians and consumers.


Links to useful statistics regarding registration, hospital licensing and complaints