Research: Ethically challenging situations


Would you like to debrief about ethically challenging situations in veterinary settings?


As part of a PhD study, Anne Quain (Sydney School of Veterinary Science) is facilitating ethics rounds – similar to morbidity and mortality rounds or critical incident analysis, with a focus on ethically challenging situations.

Participants would be required to complete an anonymous, online survey (this will take 5-7 minutes), participate in a session of ethics rounds (approximately 90 minutes or 1.5 hours), then complete an anonymous, online survey (estimated to take 5-7 minutes).

To ensure safety of all participants, ethics rounds will be held by Zoom. The meeting will not be recorded.

Participation is open to any veterinary team member (veterinarians, animal health technicians, nurses, kennel hands, interns, residents, veterinary students, practice managers) but you must be over the age of 18 to participate.

If you would like further information, or wish to participate in ethics rounds, please email for a participant information statement and a list of possible dates.



This news article was published on 31 August 2023.